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Location Insight in Supply Chain Management: Its Role in Part Sourcing and Spend Analysis

Published On:

September 27, 2024

Updated On:

October 18, 2024
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Keith Hartley
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image depicting the importance of location insights in supply chain management, focusing on its role in optimizing part sourcing and spend analysis.
Keith Hartley

CEO & Board Member, LevaData

Location insight has become critical for improving operational efficiency and decision-making in today’s complex supply chain landscape. Whether it’s identifying optimal suppliers, managing logistics, or controlling spending, understanding the geographical context of your supply chain can lead to smarter strategies and substantial savings. Location insight is crucial in supply chain management, part sourcing, and spend analysis. This blog will explore how location insight contributes to smarter, more agile decision-making in these areas.

What is Location Insight in Supply Chain Management?

Location insight in supply chain management refers to the understanding and analyzing geographical data related to various supply chain activities. It involves using geographic information systems (GIS), real-time tracking, and advanced analytics to gather and interpret data about the locations of suppliers, manufacturing facilities, warehouses, distribution centers, and customers.

In supply chain management, location intelligence helps companies answer critical questions like:

  • Where are the best suppliers for a specific component located?
  • What are the most cost-effective transportation routes?
  • How can we minimize lead times and delivery costs?
  • Where should we focus our procurement efforts to optimize spend?

Armed with this information, companies can enhance their sourcing strategies, better control their spending, and ensure the timely delivery of products to their customers.

The Role of Location Insight in Part Sourcing

Part sourcing is a key function in supply chain management, especially for manufacturers that rely on a steady supply of components from multiple suppliers. Location insight plays an essential role in making informed decisions about where to source parts and how to optimize the flow of these materials through the supply chain.

Identifying Optimal Suppliers

One of the biggest challenges in part sourcing is selecting the right suppliers. Location insight helps procurement teams identify geographically well-positioned suppliers to meet production and delivery requirements. It can lead to reduced lead times, lower transportation costs, and enhanced flexibility in the supply chain.

By analyzing supplier locations, companies can:

  • Evaluate Proximity: Suppliers closer to manufacturing plants can help reduce transportation costs and lead times.
  • Assess Regional Risks: Suppliers in areas prone to natural disasters or political instability may pose risks. Location intelligence allows businesses to assess these risks and develop contingency plans.
  • Leverage Regional Strengths: Some regions specialize in producing certain components or materials. For instance, Southeast Asia is known for electronics manufacturing, while Germany is a hub for automotive parts. Location insight enables companies to leverage these regional strengths for better sourcing decisions.

Reducing Lead Times and Costs

Location insight can significantly reduce the time it takes to source and receive parts. Businesses can shorten lead times and avoid costly delays by identifying suppliers that are geographically closer to production facilities or key transportation hubs.

Moreover, businesses can also evaluate the impact of transportation routes and infrastructure on delivery times. For example, a supplier that is close but located in an area with poor infrastructure or frequent transportation delays may not be the best option, even if they offer competitive pricing.

A manufacturer may use location intelligence to compare two suppliers. While one supplier is geographically closer, the other has better access to major highways and shipping routes. Location data helps the company choose the supplier that offers the best proximity and reliability, thus reducing lead times and costs.

Managing Global Supply Chains 

Global supply chains add another layer of complexity to part sourcing. Businesses sourcing components from multiple countries must consider factors like customs regulations, trade agreements, and geopolitical risks. Location insight in supply chain management allows businesses to visualize and manage these complexities more effectively.

Location data can help companies identify:

  • Regional Regulations: Different countries have different customs regulations, tariffs, and trade policies that can impact sourcing decisions. Location insight provides visibility into these factors, allowing companies to navigate regulatory hurdles more easily.
  • Geopolitical Risks: By understanding the geopolitical landscape of a supplier's location, businesses can assess risks such as political instability, economic sanctions, or potential supply chain disruptions.
  • Logistics Efficiency: The proximity of suppliers to major shipping lanes, ports, and airports can influence logistics efficiency. Location insight enables businesses to choose logistically well-positioned suppliers to meet delivery requirements.
infographic illustrating Benefits of location insights in Location insight in supply chain management

The Role of Location Intelligence in Spend Analysis

Spend analysis involves examining procurement data to identify patterns and opportunities for cost savings. Location insight adds a geographic dimension to spend analysis, helping businesses make more informed decisions about where and how to spend their money.

Optimizing Procurement Spend

Location insight can reveal cost-saving opportunities that might otherwise go unnoticed. Procurement teams can analyze the geographic distribution of suppliers to identify regions where costs are higher due to transportation, tariffs, or regional supply constraints. Businesses can reduce procurement costs without sacrificing quality or reliability by reallocating spend to suppliers in more cost-effective regions.

A company sourcing raw materials from different countries might use location data to compare the total landed costs of materials from various suppliers. By considering factors like transportation costs, tariffs, and lead times, the company can identify suppliers in regions that offer lower overall costs, even if their base prices are higher.

Analyzing Supplier Performance by Location

Location insight allows businesses to evaluate supplier performance based on geographic factors. For example, suppliers in certain regions may consistently deliver late due to transportation bottlenecks or poor infrastructure. By analyzing performance data in the context of location, businesses can make more informed decisions about which suppliers to prioritize or replace.

A company might analyze delivery data from multiple suppliers and find that suppliers in one region are consistently late due to transportation delays. With this insight, the company can adjust its expectations for suppliers in that region or explore alternative sourcing options.

Improving Cost Transparency

Location insight can also improve cost transparency by providing visibility into the hidden costs associated with sourcing from specific regions. These costs include transportation tariffs and expenses related to supply chain disruptions, currency fluctuations, and regulatory compliance.

By integrating geographic data with spend analysis, businesses can better understand the true costs associated with their sourcing decisions. This transparency allows companies to make more strategic choices about where to allocate their procurement budgets.

A company sourcing from a supplier in a region with frequent currency fluctuations might use location data to evaluate the impact of these fluctuations on their total procurement costs. By factoring in these hidden costs, the company can make more informed decisions about whether to continue sourcing from that region or seek alternatives.

Leveraging Technology for Location Insight

The growing use of technology in supply chain management has made location insight more accessible than ever. Tools like geographic information systems (GIS), real-time tracking, and artificial intelligence (AI) can provide businesses with the data they need to make smarter sourcing and spending decisions.

GIS (Geographic Information System)

Geographic information systems allow businesses to visualize supply chain data on a map, clearly showing supplier locations, transportation routes, and regional risks. GIS can also simulate different sourcing scenarios, helping businesses optimize their supply chains.

Real-Time Tracking

GPS and IoT-enabled tracking devices provide real-time visibility into the location of goods in transit. This data helps businesses monitor delivery times, identify potential delays, and adjust sourcing or logistics strategies as needed.

AI-Powered Analytics

AI can analyze large amounts of location data to identify patterns, predict risks, and suggest optimal sourcing and spending strategies. For example, AI might analyze historical data to predict how geopolitical events or weather patterns will impact suppliers in certain regions.

By leveraging these technologies, businesses can gain deeper insights into their supply chains and make more informed decisions about part sourcing and spend analysis.

Leverage LevaData’s AI-Powered Location Insights for Unhinged Part Sourcing and Spend Analysis 

Location insight in supply chain management enhances both part sourcing and spend analysis. By understanding the geographic context of suppliers, transportation routes, and regional risks, businesses can optimize their sourcing strategies, reduce lead times, control costs, and mitigate risks. Moreover, as technology continues to advance, the ability to leverage location data in real-time will become increasingly critical for maintaining a competitive edge in supply chain management.

LevaData’s AI-powered location insights empower businesses to optimize part sourcing and spend analysis by providing real-time geographic data and actionable intelligence. The platform enables users to identify the most efficient suppliers based on location, mitigate risks associated with sourcing in volatile regions, and uncover hidden cost-saving opportunities. LevaData helps companies make data-driven decisions, reducing lead times and total procurement costs while enhancing operational efficiency across global supply chains.

Incorporating location insight in supply chain management is necessary for companies looking to thrive in today’s complex, globalized economy. Whether it’s reducing costs, improving supplier performance, or managing global risks, location insight provides the data-driven edge that businesses need to optimize their supply chains and drive long-term success.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is location insight in supply chain management?

Location insight uses geographic data to optimize supply chain activities like part sourcing, transportation, and spend analysis. It helps businesses make informed decisions by analyzing supplier proximity, regional risks, and logistics efficiency.

How does location insight improve part sourcing?

Location insight allows companies to identify geographically better positioned suppliers, reducing lead times, transportation costs, and risks associated with sourcing from unstable regions.

Can location insight help reduce procurement costs?

By analyzing geographic factors like transportation routes, tariffs, and regional risks, location insight helps companies find cost-effective sourcing options and optimize spending.

How does location insight assist in mitigating risks?

By understanding supplier locations' geopolitical and environmental risks, companies can plan for potential disruptions and diversify their supplier base to minimize impact.

What technologies support location insight in supply chain management?

Technologies like Geographic Information Systems (GIS), real-time tracking, and AI-powered analytics gather and analyze location data to make more informed decisions.
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